Blue Sky Management Services is a leading Ecovadis Certification consultant providing Ecovadis consultancy services at Global level.
Blue Sky is providing consultancy services for
- Fresh Ecovadis Certification , Ecovadis Assessment, Ecovadis Registration
- Improving current Ecovadis rating score, Ecovadis Score.
- Improving current Ecovadis medal – Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum.
Blue Sky can provide Ecovadis certification consultancy , Ecovadis assessment consultancy services to organizations located at India, Sweden, Germany, France, Spain, Australia , Norway, Singapore,UAE, Mexico,New Zealand, Poland,South Africa,Netherlands, Denmark, Canada, UK ( Britain) , USA, Egypt, Greece, & Italy
What is Ecovadis Certification or Ecovadis Registration or Ecovadis Assessment ?
- Ecovadis is a Sustainability Rating provider organization based at France.
- It evaluates Sustainability performance of an organization based on Environment, Labor Standards, Ethics & Sustainable Procurement themes.
- Each theme has got certain weightage based on context of organization going for Ecovadis assessment. This includes factors like Products of company , Manufacturing Operations nature, Country of business, Employee count .. etc.
- Ecovadis has customized questionnaire based on context of organization.
- Questionnaire of one organization differes from Ecovadis Questionnaire of other organization if their context is different.
- Ecovadis keeps adding more sustainability criterias in their Questionnaire based on current trend of sustainability field and improved benefit of creating a sustainable future.
- An organization went through Ecovadis asessment gets unique sustainability score card containing Sustainability score
- if assessed organization’s score is eligible to obtain any medal, then organization may obtain any one medal from Ecovadis amongst Bronze , Silver , Gold or Platinum.
- Ecovadis provides opportunity to organizations for sharing their Sustainability performance with their Customers / other stake holders.
- Sustainability performance score demonstrates commitment of organizations for compliance with human rights principals, Environmental well being, Business Governance principals & penetrate such initiatives in their supply chain.
For updated information about Ecovadis, please visit their official website –
For more information about our organization , please visit
What is process of Ecovadis Certification or What is procedure of Ecovadis Registration
- An organization wiling to obtain Ecovadis certification / registration, shall understand sustainability Management system requirements as per Ecovadis Assessment Criterias & Principles
- Organization shall implement Sustainability Management System that includes Policies, Actions & Results
- Training about Ecovadis Sustainability Management System shall be given to relevant stake holders.
- Organization shall retain documented / objective evidences that gives confirmation against Ecovadis sustainability management system requirements
- Organization shall do registration on Ecovadis Assessment Portal
- Ecovadis will generate a customized Questionnaire based on Context of organization registerred on Ecovadis portal.
- Organization shall undergo Assessment through Questionnaire generated on Ecovadis portal.
- it will obtain sustainbility performance score card that includes all over score with Strength & Improvement areas
- Organization shall implement corrective actions on improvement areas that gives assurance to external stake holders that organization is working on adequacy and effetiveness of Sustainability Management system.
- Organization can share their sustainability performance score card and corrective actions with their customers
What is Ecovadis Questionnaire
- When an organization registers on Ecovadis portal with their product details, company size & other context, Ecovadis generates a customized questionnaire. This Ecovadis questionnaire is specific to organization for assessment of sustainability performance.
- Organization shall understand Questionnaire requirements and provide relevant evidences meeting with Ecovadis documentation criterias.
What is Ecovadis Score Card
- After completion of Ecovadis assessment, organization obtains Score card that includes sustainability score of organization out of 100.
- This score card includes strength and improvement areas under each theme amongst Environment, Labor standards, Ethics & Sustainable procurement
- Organization will also get medal if it’s score is falling under medal eligibility criteria
Key Principles of ECOVADIS sustainability assessments
- Evidence Based
- Industry location and Size
- Diversification of Sources
- Technology a Must
- Assessment by International CSR Experts
- Traceability and Transperancy
- Excellence through continious improvement
For more information about our services, please visit –
Ecovadis Audit Check List & Requirements ?
- Energy and GHGs
- Water
- Pollution
- Materials and Wastes
- Product end of life
- Customer Health & Safety
- Employee health and safety
- Working conditions
- Social Dialogue
- Career management & Training
- Child and Forced labor
- Discrimination
- Harassment
- Corruption & bribery
- Anti Competitive Practice
- Data Security
- Supplier Environmental Performance
- Supplier social performance
What are Ecovadis Medals ?
- After undergoing through Ecovadis assessment, organization obtains particular sustainability performance score
- Organization obtains relevant Medal from Ecovadis based on Ecovadis score or rating obtained through assessment.
- Medals provided by Ecovadis are – Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum
- It may possible that organation will not get any medal if their score is not eligible for a medal.
What are Ecovadis certification Levels ?
- Ecovadis Platinum Certification Level – Top 1 %
- Ecovadis Gold Certification Level – Top 5 %
- Ecovadis Silver Certification Level – Top 25 %
- Ecovadis Bronze Certification Level – Top 50 %
- Above is subject to change as per Ecovadis policy.
For information about our SEDEX consultancy services, please visit – SEDEX Consultancy Services
What are Ecovadis Charges or Ecovadis cost
- Ecovadis charges are depending on their annual subscription plan chosen by organization & context of organization willing to go through Ecovadis assessment
- Annual subscription plans are available in Basic, Premium & corporate category ( Subject to change as per Ecovadis policy )
How to improve Ecovadis Score ? How to achieve Ecovadis Gold and Platinum Medals ?
- Ecovadis scoring is dependent on effectiveness of sustainability management system supported by authentic documents.
- If your organization already has received Ecovadis score card then you can initiatie corrective actions on improvement areas which will help in improving Ecovadis score
- Ecovadis sustainability requirements are dynamic and changing with evolution in sustainability field. Hence it is recommended to implement new sustainability initiatives considering business nature and context.
- Blue Sky can guide on improving Ecovadis score or achieving medals like Ecovadis gold rating & Ecovadis silver rating after undergoing initial assessment of sustainability management system.
For further details on Ecovadis, please mail your requirements at
We can provide Ecovadis consultancy services to organizations located at Hyderabad ( Telangana ), Mumbai, Pune, Nasik ( Maharashtra ) , Bengaluru ( Karnataka ) , Vishakhapatnam, Vijaywada ( Andhra Pradesh ), Chennai, Coimbatore (Tamilnadu) , Kochi ( Kerala ), Ahmedabad Vadodara Surat Rajkot (Gujarat) , Jaipur Udaipur Jodhpur (Rajasthan) , Chandigarh, Punjab, Haryana, Gurugram, Noida, Delhi , Uttarakhand, Kanpur Lucknow ( Uttar Pradesh), Indore, Bhopal ( Madhya Pradesh) , Patna ( Bihar ), Kolkata ( West Bengal), & Cuttack, Bhubaneswar (Odisha) ,
How Blue Sky can help organizations in Ecovadis Assessments.
- Blue Sky is a leading Ecovadis Certification Consultants in India & Abroad.
- Organizations willing to obtain Ecovadis certification or want to improve their Ecovadis score or even want to improve their Ecovadis medals may contact us.
- We will understand Organization’s current context and identify Gaps against Sustainability Management System requirements of Ecovadis.
- Blue Sky will also evaluate Gaps against Documentation requirements specified by Ecovadis.
- We will guide an organization about fulfilment of Identified Gaps including new documents to be prepared or modifications to be done in existing documentation to meet Ecovadis requirements.
- Blue Sky will ensure that Sustainability Management System is ready for undergoing through Assessment by Ecovadis.
- We will guide organization about how they can complete Ecovadis assessment.
- Blue Sky will support organization in understanding Ecovadis score card & implementing corrective actions that will help in improving Ecovadis score in further assessment.
Organizations new to Ecovadis may contact us for Fresh Ecovadis assessments or Ecovadis Certifications
Organizations already have achieved Ecovadis Certifications may contact us in improving their current Ecovadis Score & achieving Ecovadis Gold and Platinum level Medals
We can provide Ecovadis consultancy services to organizations located in India & Abroad.
In India, we can provide Ecovadis consultancy services to organizations located at Ahmedabad Vadodara Surat Rajkot (Gujarat) , Jaipur Udaipur Jodhpur (Rajasthan) , Chandigarh, Punjab, Haryana, Gurugram, Noida, Delhi , Uttarakhand, Kanpur Lucknow ( Uttar Pradesh), Indore, Bhopal ( Madhya Pradesh) , Patna ( Bihar ), Kolkata ( West Bengal), Cuttack, Bhubaneswar (Odisha) , Hyderabad ( Telangana ), Mumbai, Pune, Nasik ( Maharashtra ) , Bengaluru ( Karnataka ) , Vishakhapatnam, Vijaywada ( Andhra Pradesh ), Chennai, Coimbatore (Tamilnadu) & Kochi ( Kerala )