Found in 2004, Blue Sky Management Services is providing ISO 27701 Privacy information management system certification consultancy services that helps in compliant with privacy & data protection laws of many countries including GDPR.
We can help organisations in establishing a Privacy information mangement system as per guidelines of ISO 27701 PIMS that supports in compliance with GDPR.
For more information, please visit or mail us at
Some of the key requirements of ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System are
1. Deciding organisation’s role as Controller or Processor for PII
2. Assessment of applicable Privacy and Data protection regulations
3. Defining scope of ISO 27701 PIMS
4. Implementing controls as per ISO 27001 ISMS standard for CIA control of applicable PII
5. Conducting Privacy Impact Assessment
6. Establishing systems for providing Legal basis to collect PII
7. Consent Management
8. Privacy by design and Privacy by default
9. Control on Third parties
10. Privacy notice and Privacy policy implementation
Above is an overview of key requirements of ISO 27701 Privacy information management system.
Organisations looking to obtain ISO 27701 Privacy information Management system, Looking to comply with GDPR requirements, Looking to comply with CCPA requirements and want to establish frame work for compliance with applicable privacy and data protection laws may contact us. We can help organisations in complying with privacy and data protection regulations with implementation of ISO 27701 Privacy Information Mangement System.
For more information, please visit or mail us at
GDPR Compliance certification ISO 27701
GDPR is General Data Protection Regulation which is a
REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL – on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC
Following is an overview of GDPR requirements
1. Principles relating to Processing of Data
2. Lawfulness of processing Data
3. Conditions for consent
4. Processing of special categories of Data
5. Rights of Data Subject
6. Responsibility of controller
7. Data protection by design and by default
8. Security of processing personal data
9. Notification of data breach
10. Data protection impact assessment
11 Data Protection Officer requirement
12. Princple of Data transfer
13. International cooperation for protection of personal data
14. Code of conduct
15. Processing under authority of controller.
There are other requirements of GDPR also.
ISO 27701 Privacy information management system PIMS provides necesary frame work to comply with GDPR requirements.
We can provide our ISO 27701 PIMS certification consultancy services in India including locations like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Punjab, Hariyana, Madhya pradesh, Andhra pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Karnataka and in other states of India.
ISO 27701 standard is extension of ISO 27001 standard with specific controls related to protection of Personally identifiable Information PII.
For more information, please visit or mail us at
Key controls / requirements given in ISO 27701 certification specific to PII are
1. Conditions for collecting PII
2. Identify law ful purpose
3. Consent Management
4. Privacy Impact Assessments
5. Obligations to PII Principles
6. Privacy by design and Privacy by default
7. Limiting PII collection and PII proessing
8. Maintaining accuracy and quality of PII
9. PII retention / disposal
10. Control on Automated decision making.
Above is not an exhaustive list of requirements.
Implementation of ISO 27701 PIMS helps in compliance with GDPR requirements / CCPA requirements and other data protection acts in various contries.
For more information, please visit or mail us at